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CPR Option selling strategy

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indicator("CPR Option Sale Strategy", overlay=true)

tradeSource = input.source(close, title='Source For Trigger')

autoTF = input.string('Auto', title="Select Higher Timeframe", options=['Auto','Manual'], group='Pivot Settings')

manPivotTF = input.timeframe('D', title='If Manual, Time Frame for Pivots', group='Pivot Settings',

options=['60','90', '120','D', '2D', '3D', '4D', 'W', '2W', '3W', '4W', 'M','2M', '3M', '6M'])

//nearStrikePremiumRisk =, "Premium Risk Level[1-5 (Higher is riskier)]", maxval=5, step=1,

// group="Near Strike Calculation Method")

nearStrikeMethod = input.string('Traditional Pivot S1/R1',

title="Near Strike Calculation Source",

options=['Traditional Pivot S1/R1',

'Camarilla Pivot R1/S1',

'Camarilla Pivot R2/S2',

'Manual Offset From Central Pivot Point'],

group="Near Strike Calculation Method")

nearStrikeManualOffset = input.float(0, "Manual Offset Value", group="Near Strike Calculation Method")

spreadMethod = input.string('Auto', title='Determine Spread', options=['Auto', 'Manual'], group='Spread Method')

manSpreadValue = input.float(5.0, title="Spread Width, if Manual", group='Spread Method')

showPriorDayHiLo = input.bool(false, title='Show Prior Day High and Low', group='Visual')

showCurrentWeekHiLo= input.bool(false, title='Show Current Week Highs and Lows', group='Visual')

priorDayHigh =, 'D', high[1], lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)

priorDayLow =, 'D', low[1], lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)

currentWeekHigh =, 'W', high, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)

currentWeekLow =, 'W', low, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)

pdHigh = plot(showPriorDayHiLo ? priorDayHigh : na, title="Prior Day High",, 0))

pdLow = plot(showPriorDayHiLo ? priorDayLow : na, title="Prior Day Low",, 0))

cwHigh = plot(showCurrentWeekHiLo ? currentWeekHigh : na, title="Current Week High",, 0))

cwLow = plot(showCurrentWeekHiLo ? currentWeekLow : na, title="Current Week Low",, 0))

//pivotPeriodShift, title='Lookback Period for Pivot', group='Primary Settings')

pivotPeriodShift = 1

sendStandardAlert = input.bool(false, title='Enable Standard Alert', group='Alerts')

sendDiscordWebhookAlert = input.bool(false, title='Enable Discord Webhook Alert', group='Alerts')

sendPremiumZoneChangeAlert = input.bool(false, title='Enable Price Movement Into Different Zone', group='Alerts')

plotTS1R1 = input.bool(false, title='Plot Traditional Pivot R1/S1', group='Traditional Pivot Plots')

plotTS2R2 = input.bool(false, title='Plot Traditional Pivot R2/S2', group='Traditional Pivot Plots')

plotTS3R3 = input.bool(false, title='Plot Traditional Pivot R3/S3', group='Traditional Pivot Plots')

plotCS1R1 = input.bool(false, title='Plot Camarilla Pivot R1/S1', group='Camarilla Pivot Plots')

plotCS2R2 = input.bool(false, title='Plot Camarilla Pivot R2/S2', group='Camarilla Pivot Plots')

plotCS3R3 = input.bool(false, title='Plot Camarilla Pivot R3/S3', group='Camarilla Pivot Plots')

plotCS4R4 = input.bool(false, title='Plot Camarilla Pivot R4/S4', group='Camarilla Pivot Plots')

plotCS5R5 = input.bool(false, title='Plot Camarilla Pivot R5/S5', group='Camarilla Pivot Plots')

tradeOnMon = input.bool(true, title='Mondays', group='Trade Days (Good for Dailies)')

tradeOnTue = input.bool(true, title='Tuesdays', group='Trade Days (Good for Dailies)')

tradeOnWed = input.bool(true, title='Wednesdays', group='Trade Days (Good for Dailies)')

tradeOnThu = input.bool(true, title='Thursdays', group='Trade Days (Good for Dailies)')

tradeOnFri = input.bool(true, title='Fridays', group='Trade Days (Good for Dailies)')

showHistoricalTradeLabel = input.bool(false, title='Show Historical Strike Value Labels', group='Visual')

showFuture = input.bool(false, title='Extend Developing Levels Into Future', group='Visual')

showHistoricalResults = input.bool(true, title='Show Historical Win/Loss Percentages', group='Visual')

backtestStartDate = input.time(timestamp("1 Jan 2020"), group="Visual",

title="Start Date", group="Backtest Time Period",

tooltip="This start date is in the time zone of the exchange " +

"where the chart's instrument trades. It doesn't use the time " +

"zone of the chart or of your computer.")

backtestEndDate = input.time(timestamp("1 Jan 2099"), group="Visual",

title="End Date", group="Backtest Time Period",

tooltip="This end date is in the time zone of the exchange " +

"where the chart's instrument trades. It doesn't use the time " +

"zone of the chart or of your computer.")

var tradeTheDay = true


dayofweek == dayofweek.monday => tradeTheDay := tradeOnMon

dayofweek == dayofweek.tuesday => tradeTheDay := tradeOnTue

dayofweek == dayofweek.wednesday => tradeTheDay := tradeOnWed

dayofweek == dayofweek.thursday => tradeTheDay := tradeOnThu

dayofweek == dayofweek.friday => tradeTheDay := tradeOnFri

//auto higher time frame

HTFo = timeframe.period == '1' ? '30' :

timeframe.period == '3' ? '60' :

timeframe.period == '5' ? '240' :

timeframe.period == '15' ? 'D' :

timeframe.period == '30' ? 'D' :

timeframe.period == '45' ? 'D' :

timeframe.period == '60' ? 'W' :

timeframe.period == '120' ? 'W' :

timeframe.period == '180' ? 'W' :

timeframe.period == '240' ? 'W' :

timeframe.period == 'D' ? 'W' :

timeframe.period == 'W' ? '4W' : 'D'

pivotTF = autoTF == 'Auto' ? HTFo : manPivotTF

devPivotTFHigh =, pivotTF, high, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)

devPivotTFLow =, pivotTF, low, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)

devPivotTFClose =, pivotTF, close, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)

pivotTFHigh =, pivotTF, high[pivotPeriodShift], lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)

pivotTFLow =, pivotTF, low[pivotPeriodShift], lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)

pivotTFClose =, pivotTF, close[pivotPeriodShift], lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)

priorPivotTFHigh =, pivotTF, high[pivotPeriodShift + 1], lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)

priorPivotTFLow =, pivotTF, low[pivotPeriodShift + 1], lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)

priorPivotTFClose =, pivotTF, close[pivotPeriodShift + 1], lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)

pivotLastBar =, pivotTF, barstate.islast, lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)

RANGE = pivotTFHigh- pivotTFLow

//CPR Calculations

centralPivot = (pivotTFHigh + pivotTFLow + pivotTFClose) / 3

tempBottomPivot = (pivotTFHigh + pivotTFLow) / 2

tempTopPivot = (centralPivot - tempBottomPivot) + centralPivot

bottomPivot = (tempBottomPivot > tempTopPivot) ? tempTopPivot : tempBottomPivot

topPivot = bottomPivot == tempBottomPivot ? tempTopPivot : tempBottomPivot

cprRange = topPivot - bottomPivot

//Traditional Pivot Point Calculations

tS1 = 2 * centralPivot - pivotTFHigh

tS2 = centralPivot - (pivotTFHigh - pivotTFLow)

tS3 = tS1 - (pivotTFHigh - pivotTFLow)

tR1 = 2 * centralPivot - pivotTFLow

tR2 = centralPivot + (pivotTFHigh - pivotTFLow)

tR3 = tR1 + (pivotTFHigh - pivotTFLow)

//Camarilla Pivot Point Calculations

camR5 = pivotTFHigh / pivotTFLow * pivotTFClose

camR4 = pivotTFClose + RANGE * 1.1 / 2

camR3 = pivotTFClose + RANGE * 1.1 / 4

camR2 = pivotTFClose + RANGE * 1.1 / 6

camR1 = pivotTFClose + RANGE * 1.1 / 12

camS1 = pivotTFClose - RANGE * 1.1 / 12

camS2 = pivotTFClose - RANGE * 1.1 / 6

camS3 = pivotTFClose - RANGE * 1.1 / 4

camS4 = pivotTFClose - RANGE * 1.1 / 2

camS5 = pivotTFClose - (camR5 - pivotTFClose)

//Developing CPR & tR1 & tS1

devCentralPivot = (devPivotTFHigh + devPivotTFLow + devPivotTFClose) / 3

devTempBottomPivot = (devPivotTFHigh + devPivotTFLow) / 2

devTempTopPivot = (devCentralPivot - devTempBottomPivot) + devCentralPivot

devBottomPivot = (devTempBottomPivot > devTempTopPivot) ? devTempTopPivot : devTempBottomPivot

devTopPivot = devBottomPivot == devTempBottomPivot ? devTempTopPivot : devTempBottomPivot

devTS1 = 2 * devCentralPivot - devPivotTFHigh

devTR1 = 2 * devCentralPivot - devPivotTFLow

//spreadValue Floor & Ceiling

spreadValueCalc(calcValue, spreadValue, callOrPutSide) =>

var retValue = 0.00


callOrPutSide == 'Call' => retValue := (math.ceil(calcValue/spreadValue)) * spreadValue

callOrPutSide == 'Put' => retValue := (math.floor(calcValue/spreadValue)) * spreadValue

//Strike Values

spreadValue = spreadMethod == "Auto" ? close >= 1000 ? 50.0 :

close >= 500 ? 10.0 :

close >= 100 ? 5.0 :

close >= 50 ? 2.5 :

close >= 20 ? 1 :

close < 20 ? 0.5 : 0



callTriggerValue = nearStrikeMethod == 'Traditional Pivot S1/R1' ? tS1 :

nearStrikeMethod == 'Camarilla Pivot R1/S1' ? camS1 :

nearStrikeMethod == 'Camarilla Pivot R2/S2' ? camS2 :


putTriggerValue = nearStrikeMethod == 'Traditional Pivot S1/R1' ? tR1 :

nearStrikeMethod == 'Camarilla Pivot R1/S1' ? camR1 :

nearStrikeMethod == 'Camarilla Pivot R2/S2' ? camR2 :


callNearStrikeSource = nearStrikeMethod == 'Traditional Pivot S1/R1' ? math.max(pivotTFHigh, tR1) :

nearStrikeMethod == 'Camarilla Pivot R1/S1' ? math.max(pivotTFHigh, camR1) :

nearStrikeMethod == 'Camarilla Pivot R2/S2' ? math.max(pivotTFHigh, camR2) :

centralPivot + nearStrikeManualOffset

putNearStrikeSource = nearStrikeMethod == 'Traditional Pivot S1/R1' ? math.min(pivotTFLow, tS1) :

nearStrikeMethod == 'Camarilla Pivot R1/S1' ? math.min(pivotTFLow, camS1) :

nearStrikeMethod == 'Camarilla Pivot R2/S2' ? math.min(pivotTFLow, camS2) :

centralPivot - nearStrikeManualOffset

calcCallValue = close < callTriggerValue ? topPivot : math.avg(centralPivot, callNearStrikeSource)

callStrikeValue = spreadValueCalc(calcCallValue, spreadValue, 'Call')

callStrikeValue2 = callStrikeValue + spreadValue

calcPutValue = close > putTriggerValue ? bottomPivot : math.avg(centralPivot, putNearStrikeSource)

putStrikeValue = spreadValueCalc(calcPutValue, spreadValue, 'Put')

putStrikeValue2 = putStrikeValue - spreadValue

icCallStrikeValue = spreadValueCalc(tR1,spreadValue, 'Call')

icCallStrikeValue2 = icCallStrikeValue + spreadValue

icPutStrikeValue = spreadValueCalc(tS1, spreadValue, 'Put')

icPutStrikeValue2 = icPutStrikeValue - spreadValue

//Tomorrow's Strikes

calcDevCallValue = close < devTS1 ? devTopPivot : math.avg(devCentralPivot, math.max(devPivotTFHigh, devTR1))

calcDevPutValue = close > devTR1 ? devBottomPivot : math.avg(devCentralPivot, math.min(devPivotTFLow, devTS1))

devCallStrikeValue = spreadValueCalc(calcDevCallValue, spreadValue, 'Call')

devPutStrikeValue = spreadValueCalc(calcDevPutValue, spreadValue, 'Put')

plot(callStrikeValue, "Current Call", style=plot.style_line,, 75))

plot(putStrikeValue, "Current Put", style=plot.style_line,, 75))

plot(devCallStrikeValue, "Developing Call", style=plot.style_line,, 95))

plot(devPutStrikeValue, "Developing Put", style=plot.style_line,, 95))

plot(devTopPivot, "Developing Top Pivot", style=plot.style_line,, 95))

plot(devCentralPivot, "Developing Central Pivot", style=plot.style_line,, 95))

plot(devBottomPivot, "Developing Bottom Pivot", style=plot.style_line,, 95))


//Central Pivot Range

plot(topPivot, "CP Top", style=plot.style_circles)

plot(centralPivot, "Central Pivot", style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=2,

plot(bottomPivot, "CP Bottom", style=plot.style_circles)

//Traditional Pivots

plot(plotTS1R1 ? tR1 : na, "tR1", style=plot.style_circles,

plot(plotTS1R1 ? tS1 : na, "tS1", style=plot.style_circles,

plot(plotTS2R2 ? tR2 : na, "tR2", style=plot.style_circles,, 30))

plot(plotTS2R2 ? tS2 : na, "tS2", style=plot.style_circles,, 30))

plot(plotTS3R3 ? tR3 : na, "tR3", style=plot.style_circles,, 60))

plot(plotTS3R3 ? tS3 : na, "tS3", style=plot.style_circles,, 60))


plot(plotCS3R3 ? camR3 : na, "cR3",style=plot.style_line,

plot(plotCS3R3 ? camS3 : na, "cS3", style=plot.style_line,

plot(plotCS1R1 ? camR1 : na, "cR1",style=plot.style_line,, 75))

plot(plotCS1R1 ? camS1 : na, "cS1", style=plot.style_line,, 75))

plot(plotCS2R2 ? camR2 : na, "cR2",style=plot.style_line,, 90))

plot(plotCS2R2 ? camS2 : na, "cS2", style=plot.style_line,, 90))

plot(plotCS4R4 ? camR4 : na, "cR4",style=plot.style_line,, 25))

plot(plotCS4R4 ? camS4 : na, "cS4", style=plot.style_line,, 25))

plot(plotCS5R5 ? camR5 : na, "cR5",style=plot.style_line,, 90))

plot(plotCS5R5 ? camS5 : na, "cS5", style=plot.style_line,, 90))

//New Bar

is_newbar(res, sess) =>

t = time(res, sess)

na(t[1]) and not na(t) or t[1] < t

openingBarClosed = is_newbar(pivotTF, session.regular)[1]

openingBarOpen = is_newbar(pivotTF, session.regular)

//Trade Calculations

string tradeType = switch

tradeSource > topPivot => "Sell Put"

tradeSource < bottomPivot => "Sell Call"

(tradeSource < topPivot and tradeSource > bottomPivot) => "Sell IC"

var tradeDecision = "No Trade"

var strikeValue = 0.00

var strikeValue2 = 0.00

var yPlacement = 0.00

var labelStyle = label.style_label_lower_right

var tradeLabelText = "None"

var alertText ="None"

inBacktestRange = time >= backtestStartDate and

time <= backtestEndDate

if openingBarClosed and tradeTheDay and inBacktestRange

tradeDecision := tradeType[1]

strikeValue :=

tradeDecision == "Sell Put" ? putStrikeValue :

tradeDecision == "Sell Call" ? callStrikeValue :

tradeDecision == "Sell IC" ? icCallStrikeValue : na

strikeValue2 :=

tradeDecision == "Sell Put" ? putStrikeValue2 :

tradeDecision == "Sell Call" ? callStrikeValue2 :

tradeDecision == "Sell IC" ? icPutStrikeValue : na

tradeLabelText := tradeDecision + ' for ' + str.tostring(strikeValue, '#.##')

yPlacement :=

tradeDecision == "Sell Put" ? putStrikeValue :

tradeDecision == "Sell Call" ? callStrikeValue :

tradeDecision == "Sell IC" ? icCallStrikeValue : na

labelStyle :=

tradeDecision == "Sell Put" ? label.style_label_upper_left:

tradeDecision == "Sell Call" ? label.style_label_lower_left:

tradeDecision == "Sell IC" ? label.style_label_lower_left: label.style_label_lower_left

alertText :=

tradeDecision == "Sell Put" ?

"Sell Put Strike " + str.tostring(strikeValue, '#.##') + " | " +

"Buy Put Strike " + str.tostring(strikeValue2, '#.##') :

tradeDecision == "Sell Call" ?

"Sell Call Strike " + str.tostring(strikeValue, '#.##') + " | " +

"Buy Call Strike " + str.tostring(strikeValue2, '#.##') :

tradeDecision == "Sell IC" ?

"IC | Sell Call Strike " + str.tostring(icCallStrikeValue, '#.##') + " | " +

"Buy Call Strike " + str.tostring(icCallStrikeValue2, '#.##') + " | " +

"Sell Put Strike " + str.tostring(icPutStrikeValue, '#.##') + " | " +

"Buy Put Strike " + str.tostring(icPutStrikeValue2, '#.##') : na

if showHistoricalTradeLabel or pivotLastBar, y=yPlacement,,50),

textcolor=color.white, size=size.small,



alertText := "Ticker: " + syminfo.ticker + " - " + alertText

plot((tradeTheDay and not openingBarOpen and inBacktestRange) ? strikeValue : na, "Strike Value", color=color.white, style=plot.style_linebr)

//Prior Day Trade Result

var wins = 0

var losses = 0

var callWins = 0

var callLosses = 0

var icWins = 0

var icLosses = 0

var putWins = 0

var putLosses = 0

var callCount = 0

var icCount = 0

var putCount = 0

var tradeResult = "No Trade"

if openingBarOpen and tradeTheDay[1] and inBacktestRange[1]

if tradeDecision == "Sell Put"

wins := close[1] > strikeValue ? wins + 1 : wins

losses := close[1] < strikeValue ? losses + 1 : losses

tradeResult := close[1] > strikeValue ? "Win" : "Loss"

putWins := close[1] > strikeValue ? putWins + 1 : putWins

putLosses := close[1] < strikeValue ? putLosses + 1 : putLosses

putCount := putCount + 1

if tradeDecision == "Sell Call"

wins := close[1] < strikeValue ? wins + 1 : wins

losses := close[1] > strikeValue ? losses + 1 : losses

tradeResult := close[1] < strikeValue ? "Win" : "Loss"

callWins := close[1] < strikeValue ? callWins + 1 : callWins

callLosses := close[1] > strikeValue ? callLosses + 1 : callLosses

callCount := callCount + 1

if tradeDecision == "Sell IC"

wins := (close[1] > strikeValue2 and close[1] < strikeValue) ? wins + 1 : wins

losses := (close[1] < strikeValue2 or close[1] > strikeValue) ? losses + 1 : losses

tradeResult := (close[1] > strikeValue2 and close[1] < strikeValue) ? "Win" : "Loss"

icWins := (close[1] > strikeValue2 and close[1] < strikeValue) ? icWins + 1 : icWins

icLosses := (close[1] < strikeValue2 or close[1] > strikeValue) ? icLosses + 1 : icLosses

icCount := icCount + 1 -1, y=yPlacement, == "Win" ? :,50),

textcolor=color.white, size=size.small,



// Results & Current Trade

string premiumValue = switch

(strikeValue < bottomPivot and close < bottomPivot) or

(strikeValue > topPivot and close > topPivot) => "Optimal (Hedge)"

(strikeValue < bottomPivot and close < centralPivot) or

(strikeValue > topPivot and close > centralPivot) => "Good"

(strikeValue < bottomPivot and close < topPivot) or

(strikeValue > topPivot and close > bottomPivot) => "Decent"

=> "Standard"

var table resultsDisplay =, 4, 5)

var table currentSetup =, 2, 3)

if barstate.islast

var tfLabelText ="nothing"

tfLabelText := '----Current Setup----\n\n'

tfLabelText := tfLabelText + 'Pivot Timeframe: ' + pivotTF

tfLabelText := tfLabelText + '\n' + tradeLabelText

table.cell(currentSetup, 0, 0, 'Pivot TF', text_color=color.white)

table.cell(currentSetup, 1, 0, pivotTF, text_color=color.white)

table.cell(currentSetup, 0, 1, tradeDecision, text_color=color.white)

table.cell(currentSetup, 1, 1, str.tostring(strikeValue, '#.##'), text_color=color.white)

table.cell(currentSetup, 0, 2, 'Timing', text_color=color.white)

table.cell(currentSetup, 1, 2, premiumValue, text_color=color.white)

//Plot Future Values

if showFuture

futureCall =, y1=devCallStrikeValue, x2=bar_index + 5, y2=devCallStrikeValue, color = color.gray, extend=extend.right)

futurePut =, y1=devPutStrikeValue, x2=bar_index + 5, y2=devPutStrikeValue, color = color.gray, extend=extend.right)

futureTopPivot =, y1=devTopPivot, x2=bar_index + 5, y2=devTopPivot, color =, extend=extend.right)

futureCentralPivot =, y1=devCentralPivot, x2=bar_index + 5, y2=devCentralPivot, color = color.purple, extend=extend.right)

futureBottomPivot =, y1=devBottomPivot, x2=bar_index + 5, y2=devBottomPivot, color =, extend=extend.right)






// We only populate the table on the last bar.

if showHistoricalResults

table.cell(resultsDisplay, 1, 0, 'Trades', text_color=color.white)

table.cell(resultsDisplay, 2, 0, 'Wins', text_color=color.white)

table.cell(resultsDisplay, 3, 0, 'Win %', text_color=color.white)

table.cell(resultsDisplay, 0, 1, 'All', text_color=color.white)

table.cell(resultsDisplay, 1, 1, str.tostring(wins+losses, '#'), text_color=color.white)

table.cell(resultsDisplay, 2, 1, str.tostring(wins, '#'), text_color=color.white)

table.cell(resultsDisplay, 3, 1, str.tostring(wins/(wins+losses)*100, '#.#') , text_color=color.white)

table.cell(resultsDisplay, 0, 2, 'Calls', text_color=color.white)

table.cell(resultsDisplay, 1, 2, str.tostring(callWins + callLosses, '#'), text_color=color.white)

table.cell(resultsDisplay, 2, 2, str.tostring(callWins, '#') , text_color=color.white)

table.cell(resultsDisplay, 3, 2, str.tostring(callWins/(callWins+callLosses)*100, '#.#') , text_color=color.white)

table.cell(resultsDisplay, 0, 3, 'Puts', text_color=color.white)

table.cell(resultsDisplay, 1, 3, str.tostring(putWins + putLosses, '#'), text_color=color.white)

table.cell(resultsDisplay, 2, 3, str.tostring(putWins, '#') , text_color=color.white)

table.cell(resultsDisplay, 3, 3, str.tostring(putWins/(putWins + putLosses)*100, '#.#') , text_color=color.white)

table.cell(resultsDisplay, 0, 4, 'ICs', text_color=color.white)

table.cell(resultsDisplay, 1, 4, str.tostring(icWins + icLosses, '#'), text_color=color.white)

table.cell(resultsDisplay, 2, 4, str.tostring(icWins, '#') , text_color=color.white)

table.cell(resultsDisplay, 3, 4, str.tostring(icWins/(icWins + icLosses)*100, '#.#') , text_color=color.white)


sendAlert = close < 6000

webHookAlertMessage = '{\"content\":\"' + alertText + '\"}'

//{"content":"{{ticker}} Long Entry Triggered | Open: {{open}} | Close: {{close}} | Low: {{low}} |High: {{high}}"}

if (sendStandardAlert and openingBarClosed)

alert(alertText, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

if (sendDiscordWebhookAlert and openingBarClosed)

alert(webHookAlertMessage, alert.freq_once_per_bar)

premiumZoneChange =

(premiumValue == "Optimal (Hedge)" and premiumValue[1]!= "Optimal (Hedge)")


(premiumValue == "Good" and (premiumValue[1] != "Optimal (Hedge)" and premiumValue[1] != "Good"))


(premiumValue == "Decent" and

(premiumValue[1] != "Optimal (Hedge)" and premiumValue[1] != "Good" and premiumValue[1] != "Decent"))

if premiumZoneChange and sendPremiumZoneChangeAlert

alert(syminfo.ticker + " Premium Zone has changed to " + premiumValue, alert.freq_once_per_bar)